Key Metrics of Value
Based on our experience, we’ve found that 85% of corporations can gain major advantages using our proprietary breakthrough frameworks, trust-based programs, and benchmarked best practices.
Members of the Institute who graduate with a Certificate in Collaborative Leadership will achieve a 25-30% competitive advantage in their respective operating environment , as demonstrated by post program review, within 5 years of graduation.
Executive Leaders engaging the Institute’s programs can expect to:
- Create sustainable competitive advantage: 25-30% increases in innovation flow, teamwork outputs, and profits in the typical company that uses our methods.
- Apply the ideas, strategies, and methods immediately, producing measurable results within months that provide at least a 4 to 1 return on investment.
- Communicate strategies, objectives, and methods to their stakeholders that creates trust, alignment, and high performance, producing exceptional results.
- Create an organizational culture that sustains success.
- Produce dramatic change in how economic performance is achieved, valued is maximized and subsequently measured and rewarded that exceeds the norm by a wide margin
Learn More About How You Can Gain a 25% Competitive Advantage