We are launching an  initiative to Rebuild Trust in America

It’s called the Rushmore Strategy, using  key insights from the Presidents immortalized on Mr. Rushmore, coupled with a  powerful next generation “Architecture of Trust.”

Trust in America is plummeting, jeopardizing the future of our cherished democracy.
(open links below to see the sobering realities)

Trust Takes a Big Hit — Largest Drop Recorded in America
Harvard Millennial Survey — Deep Doubts in America
Gallup Poll: America Fears the Enemy Within

Please join us to bring America back on course.

Download Press Release

Did you know: 50% of Millennials have no faith in Capitalism
See what we are doing Rebuild Trust in Capitalism

Combining Wisdom with Breakthroughs in Trust

The Rushmore Strategy offers realistic solutions, and inspiring results, embracing our forbearers’ ideals and insights. It then moves forward based on a bold, next gener­ation Architecture of Trust which uses tested best pract­ices, brain science, and impactful innovations from 30 years of strategic alliance building.

The Rushmore Strategy is destined to give Americans refreshing and encouraging new insights along with an array of best practices that will reinvigorate our nation’s sense of destiny and determination.

We Need Your Support.

Please volunteer or help with a donation to this Noble Cause. We need volunteers to assist with:

  • Championing the Cause
  • Alliance Building
  • Marketing & Social Media
  • Fundraising
  • Administration
  • Book Research
  • Blog Writing
  • Training

To Volunteer, please Contact Us  or
to make a Tax Deductible Donation

See Teddy Roosevelt’s:
Citizen in a 
Republic (Abridged)
which outlines a Roadmap for our difficult times today

WHEN CHARACTER’s Light fails to shine,
TRUST in Institutions will DECLINE……
Democracy & Liberty are NEXT IN LINE.

To give the Rushmore Strategy a powerful impetus, we have developed thought leadership, programs, and tools for aimed at leaders, citizens, and students.

To Make a Tax Deductible Donation to Support this Effort
  • Go to Donations Page
  • Your Support is so important for us to combat this threat to American Democracy

For More Details

  • See our Strategic Plan
  • Contact Robert Porter Lynch — Robert@ICLInstitute.org
    for more information, to discuss a donation/sponsorship, or to volunteer for this initiative

Trust determines ….
the Course of History,
the Destinies of Nations,
and the Fate of People

— Paul R. Lawrence, Professor, Organization Behavior,
Harvard Business School


Magnitude of the Problem

Recently issued studies indicate the worst drop in trust in U.S.  Institutions ever recorded. If the tide is not soon turned, like a termite infestation, the foundations of American Democracy will collapse —  triggering some combination of anarchy, revolution, or authoritarian dictatorship. Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln all warned of this problem. Their advice is unheeded.

Magnitude of Polarization — Overview of the Metrics of our Country’s Critical Condition

Architecture of Trust

The Rushmore Strategy embraces the ideals and insights of our forbearers, then moves forward with a bold, next gener­ation Architecture of Trust using modern science, tested best practices, and impactful strategies for collabor­ation derived from thirty years of building strategic alliances. Experience demonstrates this produces 25% gains in a 2-3 year time span following application.

Rebuilding Trust in America – a Three Phase Strategy

  • Phase 1. Book & Trust Talks — to support the strategy – The Rushmore Strategy:
    the book: Rebuilding Trust in America — is in the final stages of writing, coupled with a tested series of training workshops for wide deployment. Trust Talks will be a series of videos featuring thought leaders giving insights on Rebuilding Trust.
  • Phase 2. Destination Purple – Civic & Political Affairs:
    Polarization is paralyzing America at a time when we need innovation and adaption. Our aim is to empower politicians to creating joint solutions after the election, and to enable voters to reject candidates who engage in manipulative fear mongering.
  • Phase 3. Trust in Institutions – Local Communities:
    All democracy is foremost a local affair. Trust in Institu­tions starts at the local level, with local government, businesses, churches, education, community and youth organizations. Our strategic programs empower local institutional leaders to build strong trust within their organizations, resulting in greater sustainability and citizen commitment.

Schedule for Mobilizing for Action

The first six months dedicated to book writing, developing Trust Talks, then organizing, training champions, and preparing to initiate programs for Destination Purple for fall 2018, then Trust in Institutions in spring 2019.

Marketing & Promotion

A marketing and promotion program for the book aims at late summer of 2018 when America will be in the throes of turmoil of a mid-term election and disillusionment from Russian interference.

Organization & Alliances

The overall Rushmore Strategy  is an alliance between the International Collaborative Leadership Institute and Seeing Purple, which brings expertise in collaboration across boundaries. Together, the Rushmore Strategy has a far broader reach and depth of skills.

Business Model, Budget, & Fundraising

Fundraising will be launched in March, 2018. We estimate a need for:

  • $ 50 K (min) -150 K (max) to launch Phase 1 (the Book & Trust Talks),
  • $ ½ million to launch Phase 2 (Destination Purple for Civic Affairs) and
  • $3 million to sustain the Phase 3 effort (Trust in Local Community Institutions).

The business models for the three-phased  strategies are designed to be self-sustaining, with excess capital used for growth.

For Individual Donors: Every donor who contributes $5,000 or more will be acknowledged on the first page of the book for their support to this noble cause.

For Corporate Sponsors: Each corporation making a $25,000 or greater sponsorship will receive special acknowledgement, along with marketing prominence on the website, at events, and discounts on programs and books.

It’s Not Getting Better!

See Edelman 2018 Trust Barometer (Full Report)         See Recent ICLI Presentation on How Distrust is Destroying America

It is time to Take Action before we reach the Tipping Point

The Rushmore Strategy is a non-partisan initiative that will be addressing problems and root causes. We will not be attacking people.