A Bold Future for Capitalism
With the demise of Communism in 1989, Capitalism has reigned supreme.
However, in the wake of its victory, capitalism has left many inequities that disturb many, especially the disenfranchised and the younger generations here in the United States and around the world.
It’s now time to challenge the future of capitalism by scrutinizing its effectiveness in creating both competitive advantage and economic security.
One of our key objectives is to demonstrate how working cooperatively has actually created competitive advantage — which ensures its strategic sustainability.
50% of Millennials have No Faith in Capitalism
Surveys show that Millennials (who will shortly comprise the majority of the American workforce) are leaning heavily to a socialistic economic system. We believe Capitalism has a Future. By working more collaboratively, massive competitive advantage is generated. We call it “Collaborative Capitalism.”
Millennials find Collaborative Capitalism ethically sound, culturally trustworthy, and using the talents of people’s mental capacities. This is one of the most important antidotes to the extraordinarily high 25% annual employee turnover.
See the Alliance for Collaborative Economies DRAFT Strategic Program (still being edited) and the Implementation Plan for Collaborative Capitalism (still in draft form).
The Future Face of the Economy
To spur Collaborative Capitalism, we have initiated a Strategic Initiative which as spawned the
Alliance for Collaborative Economies (ACE).
This alliance is aimed at bringing together Thought Leaders from a wide variety of fields who want to advance the field of Collaborative Capitalism and Rebuild Trust in our Economic Institutions.
The Hallmark of Capitalism’s success rests on Three Foundational Powers:
It is not a coincidence that capitalism has flourished best in modern democracies that have produced an educated, trustworthy workforce composed of citizens committed to building a strong social fabric of family and communities.
- explicitly guarantees Constitutional freedoms, and
- implicitly promises economic security to anyone who desires to be educated and works hard.
This freedom guarantee and economic promise is the foundational premise which has enabled a prospering, educated middle class — the underlying support structure of any modern democracy.
Together this guarantee of freedom and promise of economic security are closely inter-connected.
In today’s global world, the sense of economic security is tenuous. Jobs flee when transactional capitalists spot lower labour costs overseas. Because the global economy is neither perceived as safe nor openly understood/controlled, the citizenry increasingly is becoming disgruntled and losing hope for the future.
- Adversarial Capitalism has typically pitted company against company, labor against management, and supplier against customer. This has created great wealth for the winners, but destroyed wealth for those wounded on the battlefield of what has often been unethical competition.
- Transactional Capitalism is the basis of most commercial exchange, seeking to buy low, sell high, bargaining, and differential perceived value between buyer and seller. People are seen as “replaceable parts” who can be swapped out for lower-cost alternatives, at will. Profit is maximized by ensuring lowest costs.
- Collaborative Capitalism, which has emerged as one of the most highly competitive, ethical, and innovative forms of doing business. Consistently, trust-based leadership produces a culture of teamwork, collaborative innovation, and dynamic adaptability. Profitability is superior, and a workforce imbued with strong community values builds sustainable eco-systems.
The collaborative nature of this form of capitalism does not imply the loss of competitive spirit. On the contrary, by aligning the interests of all stakeholders for a common goal, collaborative capitalism creates greater flow and creation of value, as does a winning sports team working together to compete in a contest.
The better all the parts work together, the higher the chances of creating, adapting, learning, and, ultimately winning.
Collaborative Capitalism embraces using people’s minds to produce new innovations, including better processes for production and removal of non-value added work.
Most forms of collaborative capitalism reward workers with either a percentage of the profits or a portion of the equity ownership.
Note: Collaborative Capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with Socialism. It is a distinct form of Capitalism, it competes on fair ground with all other businesses, and works in open markets like every other business.
Adversarial Capitalism, Transactional Capitalism, and Collaborative Capitalism
Each produces very different results. These three forms are ill-defined and not clearly differentiated in the minds of most business leaders, resulting in a fourth version: Muddled Capitalism
The only sustainable capitalism of the future must continually produce better results than its preceding generations. And, just as importantly, it must be reasonably facile and agile to adapt dynamically to changing conditions.
The Institute’s Strategic Initiative will focus on consolidating the idea of Collaborative Capitalism, studying its impact, producing programs and books, and bringing more public attention to the fact that all stakeholders – investors, employees, management, suppliers, customers, and the community – can be potential winners in the collaborative capitalism game of business.
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