First Working Conference: Building the Standard for

Return on Impact Investment (ROII)


Why we need a Working Conference on Metrics & Standards

According to the US Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investing (2016) one in five dollars of total managed assets is focused on sustainability growth investments.  Specifically, $8.10 trillion in US-domiciled assets held by 477 institutional investors, 300 money managers and 1,043 community investing apply various Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria in investment analysis and portfolio selection.

However, a recent survey indicates over 150 models are used among these impact investors for assessing their Return on Investment (ROI).

This leaves the emerging impact investment market fragmented and misaligned.

Insiders suggest that the absence of a standard has contributed negatively to the growth and sustainability of this new financial market sector.

With no standard metric and no universally accepted method to quantify impact of an invest­ment dollar on People, Planet, Profit, and Purpose (P4), financial managers drive investment decisions on instinct and implied logic.

The lack of a standard ROII metric prevents emergence of an independent third party verifi­cation framework to support and facilitate investor interest in making money while doing good.

Objectives of the Working Conference

This Conference is planned to address four pressing issues restraining investors, who have ample assets to invest, and their investment managers, who have the responsibility as well as accountability for Return on Impact Investment.  This first working conference will begin to determine:

Objective #1:  Metrics, identifying key factors for success while reducing risk

Objective #2:  Best Methods and Practices assessing/evaluating data

Objective #3:  Standards that can be used globally by investment community

Objective #4:  Framework for future Alignment/Collaboration within the sector

The global market demonstrates both a need and want for an industry standard.

This conference offers thought leaders early opportunity to join in a Leadership role in defining AND building the next gen ROII and creating the financial impact standard.

About the Sponsors

Mount St. Mary’s University, in collaboration with the International Collaborative Leadership Institute and sponsorship with Innovation Works, has undertaken the task of designing and building a new financial tool which evaluates the Return on Impact Investment (ROII).

We expect the new econometric model, reflective of the UN’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria, built on best practices, will become the standard for evaluating ROII.

About the Attendees

The work of building this model will start by bringing together an international group of thought leaders representing developmental economics, sociology, finance, impact investing, international development and high level econometric technology driven modeling.

The first working conference of thought leaders in ROII methods, data, international standard setting, collaborative capitalism, and alliance development is set for September 20 – 22 in Baltimore, Maryland.

For information send inquiries to

Contact: Christine Adamow | phone: +1 860-287-7379 | email:

ROII Working Conference Brochure  — Objectives & Agenda

Four P Metrics

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Background Material

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